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Old 09-19-07, 12:14 AM   #5
Banned: Biting
Posts: 1,289

because they would hate to forget the first bitch that tryed to kick them off of her, and love to remember the feeling of someone crying while slowly inserting and pushing with great down force to arouse them up thinking they screaming cuz its good sex when its actully called rape which stemulates there minds and tend to get outta controll when they arent steamulating the brain with screaming sound of stop, no, dont do it, and the force and fight they put up is just another freaky way they see as rough sex when a person tents to go wild on a girl who is actully enjoying rather in they case who is actully in pain so when they arent raping someone no matter they state of mind they will go throu wit-draws reguardless if they remember if they did it already or not that day....

dont know if its right but seem correct as i was writing it lol....


stupid question....

why do people pay 400 dollers for a side kick, when a psp cost 170 now,
and do everything a side kick can besides make phone calls and flip open, BUT the psp can play games and movies plus u can still actully text a person cell phone , go-online etc.....

which one u rather have?
400 dollers side kick

or a 170 psp??
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