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Old 03-14-03, 12:18 PM   #6
Finesse Streetz
Posts: n/a

Bro, it costs a lot. Tha AKAI is like $1200 now, tha Triton was like a good $4000, tha Tascam was $1000+, ProTools has a new system out called HD, it costs a grip. But if you can, u can finance a lot of this equipment.

I suggest startoff slow, Just get a beat machine for like $300 from a music store. Then get a keyboard, like a Casio with a record function. Thats only no more than $200. But you can also get some software called Magix Music Maker Deluxe. This is only about $80.

Theres a lot of stuff out there. Just get out there and look for it. Don't think that if u get computer software like FruityLoops, your shit won't be tight.

HOllla Back. Thanx 4 Feedback.!!!!!!
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