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Old 09-25-07, 10:43 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Terumoto
Mainstream is mainstream... That's all there is to it. Half of the people on your list are not mainstream anymore. They were in their time, but now they aren't. Tupac? Biggie? Wu Tang? I love those artists as much as the next guy, but they sure as fuck aren't mainstream. Mainstream is what is in the mainstream RIGHT NOW, not what was in there 10 years ago.

I barely ever listen to underground rap. I don't produce rap music, except for when I sometimes make beats. And with all that stuff you were going on about to do with "CEO labelling" or whatever, you completely misunderstood what I said to you in my last post. I'm not going to tell you again, because it's something that I don't think you will understand.

I stand by what I said... You know next to nothing about music. The fact that when I said that to you, you took "music" to mean only rap music proves my point. If you broadened your musical horizons, you would start to get a sense of what is good music and what isn't. This has nothing to do with whether people like the music or not. It's something factual, objective, good music has certain elements and is put together in a certain way, it is of a high quality.

Music overall is up to personal taste, which can't be argued with, but that doesn't mean the music people like is good music. What if you met a guy whose favorite song was some shitty kick drum sound over and over again with a recording of a man yelling over the top of it. You'd be like, "hey man, that music is fucking stupid. It's terrible, it's not even music..." and he would say to you, "fuck you, I love this music." Just because he likes it, doesn't make it a good song musically.

It's the same with someone like 50 cent. Factually, there is nothing special about the music he makes. He is an average artist who happens to have a marketable image that is marketed well. The fact of the matter is he is average, he makes average music. Compared to someone like Tupac who had an extraordinary style, 50 cent is nothing. It's the same in any genre. There are a lot of electro producers that make average songs that sell well... It doesn't mean the music is actually good. On the other hand you've got groups like Daft Punk, who are geniuses in their field. They can make GOOD music, good as in of a high quality, put together skillfully, creative, not the same shit with a different smell.

You don't have to like a song to realize that it's good. You don't have to like rock music to realize that led zeppelin are talented, you don't need to like classical music to realize that Chopin is a good composer... I'm telling you that you don't know anything about music. You go around thinking that the music you like is the most amazing music in the world just because it happens to be the style of music you enjoy.

buddy thats so stupid, and its making me mad how these sheeps are walking in this thread and agreeing to this.

are you kidding me? the kick dum shit you said was so stupid, what music has to have a complex beat or lyrics to be good? like no it cud be simple and better than any new complex shit, but thats just what the example you gave.

honestly what ur saying is, what you enjoy is good music, and the bad music you dont like is bad music.

and were in this thread was I talking about another Genre? dude you cant just bring rock or something in here. as I'm a hiphop head, i know little on other genre, that doesnt take away my knowledge on hiphop.

and now on the mainstream, it doesn't matter when they were mainstream, when they were mainstream made them a mainstream artist. people know them as a mainstream artist. even though it was the past it still made them that, and some still have stayed mainstream artist to this day.

like today mainstream isnt all that garage you say it is, off T.V mainstream artist are making GREAT music, the shit you see on T.V is majority commerical in my mind, thats what alot of artists do, but good mainstream artist like Lil wayne dont need to do that.
em ur mother is a crack whore kims a known slut so whats halie goin to be when she grews up?
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