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Old 09-30-07, 03:18 AM   #1
technique's Avatar
Posts: 1,018
From: none of ur biz uk
this aint really a rap it's about my parents


just need some advince on wot to do when ur parents like abuse u in ur own home... i have attention defecit which is really hard for me... what they done is they'v like verbally manipulated me when im really smart causing stress for me and left me alone in the house when i feel i cant get out... when i was a little kid i asked for there help but they just wouldnt do anything and left me stranded wid the problem cuz my memory is so poor and it's only reacently got better since i like drunk a whole bottle of wine and drunk so fuckin much i can think a little better... these assholes are commiting serious crimes aint dey?