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Old 10-03-07, 08:29 PM   #4
Posts: 338

i'll prove u aint shit as i move wit flames lit...
you been here since 02 and u still lame never sick...
battling this cannibal a nearly immortal human bean?....
you'll still see no victory like the greeks at Thermopylae....
im gonna prove that you can severly bleed....
like shocked legless marines on beaches overdosed on morphine!....
then give u head wounds to damage your building blocks of rhyme thought.....
like blowing away brains with mark 19 weapon capabilities!......
like homo habilis this is the beginning of your extinction.....
bring in your militia of peasents i'll still end your revolution......
this guy still an amatuer actor like bad characters at comedy shows....
i'll bring agony like a lobotomy as a scorpion to stop and sting this foe....
