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Old 10-06-07, 06:52 PM   #28
Posts: 338

Originally Posted by Mystic.
im thinkin either ppl hate. f.oo or dick ride k-m.

the vote is obviously going to f.oo

wicked one just came whack. period.

k-m had 1 good punch towards f.oo...but nothing consistant.

and i feel f.oo came consistant in both punches with good creativity

^^^^^well i dont know if someone would dick ride me or not and i really dont care im not here for winning a battle im here to elevate....if i loose i loose thats how it is....but if u are dick riding cause u hate foo or whatever or cause u hate someone on this site.... please stop....its stupid...this whole beef shit is stupid...we here to elevate but everybody rather fight get mad and hate each other smh....but hey do what yall do im gonna keep tryin to elevate .....yeah....and i know im not suppose to judge my own battle .....but i will say that that punch u threw at me foo was real nice and creative i actually sat down and broke it down and i was like me it was the best punch in this battle.......but hey everyone sees things different some peeps might think my punches was better some might think foos punches were better hell some might say wickeds was better...not everything is dick riding or hate....cant always think negative gotta have some positive to...balance the shit out feel me ?....its not easy having an open mind bout everything but remember....not everything is the same as a situation that seems yall stay up try to elevate more and help each other out instead of beefing....yeah....~1~.....
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