Thread: JTR's fuckin...
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Old 10-20-07, 10:09 AM   #37
I have a lot to learn...
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Originally Posted by DJ-Sydm
Its recycling, dont be gay and defend it like its not, if its POSTED and than RE-POSTED its fuckin' recycling, you recycled, man up about it

lol at being so creativeless and yet the people wonder why RV fell into the position its in pfft

Recycling is only a bad thing in real freestyle battles, text battles are completely different.

It can be bad in text if the line was used before, which is why this is a hazy issue, since he posted it... But his opponent no-showed. It's not as serious as if he posted it and the battle was normal then he used it again later on. Those lines were wasted, might as well put them to good use and save some time.

It has nothing to do with creativity, because he created the punch either way. The particular time he created it doesn't matter.

Sure, I guess it's still recycling... But are you guys serious? Making a big deal about it in LL, banning him from the league, attempting to get him banned from the site? wtf? Maybe he should have just lost the battle or something, but not all that. That's just people making a big deal over nothing.
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