Thread: JTR's fuckin...
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Old 10-21-07, 03:39 AM   #1
Grave Digger
Posts: 127
From: Canada

You fucking idiots keep wondering why this site died? Look at the threads in LL, I think all of them except 7 have only 1 page. Of those 7, five of them got to 2 pages, and two of them got to 3 pages. The most popular thread in LL is this one right here, the one with my name in the title. Wether you love me, or wether you hate me, you just can't shut your fucking mouths about me. And it's been like that for a while dudes, trust me. Any old memeber of RV knows I brought something to this site, that without JTR it'd be missing something, dudes would make threads saying "where's JTR!?". And this goes for ALL the old vets of this site, they ALL contributed something to RV, they all made it what it was. When they left, RV left with them. Get it yet? RV was ME, RV was SPuL, RV was Mimesis, RV was N.Tavarez etc, and now... RV is NOTHING. We left, and RV came with us. All the vets on the site left, all the dudes who either had talent, or were interesting and sociable people left. And when that happened, RV was left with little memebers, and the majority of those little members had no skill, or were uninteresting, dick heads. And NO ONE wants to come onto a forum that's populated with no talent assholes. Figure it out for yourself, look at the RV legends thread, do you think the site would suck like this if me and the rest of the original heads never left? I came back for a week and this site went into a frenzy, wether you enjoyed having me back or hated it, you can see the clear contribution i've made to the site in the past 7 days. That's why 2v begged me to join his crappy league. We left this site to you crappy herbs, we're the masters who eat the filet mignon at the table, and y'all the dogs who get the bone when we're done. That means, we OWN you bitches. Get it straight, y'all aint shit to RV, if Strobe was an active admin and posted a lot, he'd say JTR is right, ya'll suck, I wish all the cool old vets never left and made this site gay.

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