Thread: JTR's fuckin...
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Old 10-21-07, 03:29 PM   #82
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

You guys aren't even good for your word, every week one of you faggots (mas) says your going to leave, and yet you still come back and dick ride each other (jtr hades spul black)

What the fuck are you talking about. When have I said that I'm going to leave? When have I dickrode any of these people? I agree with people who make sense and disagree with whining bitches who are in the wrong. But of course, you're too immature to admit when you're just being little faggots, so you'll try and boost up your image by using ad hominem against everyone who disagrees with you. How about you people actually use some facts instead of being a bunch of fucking retards? Better yet, ask strobe. This is his site, after all, and he's the one who allows you people to run around being morons and acting tough.
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