Thread: JTR's fuckin...
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Old 10-23-07, 09:18 AM   #129
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759

Originally Posted by Aphillyate
well good thing your not my boss huh? so fuck yourself...

as far as saving money? ehh, money comes and goes...i make enough money in one pay check (i get paid every week, unlike alot of people who get paid every 2 weeks) to cover my entire rent and bills for one month, becuase my girlfreind makes enough in 2 weeks (she gets paid every 2) to cover all the in reality every month we make about 4grand (after taxes) and have bout 2 of just spending money to buy whatever the fuck we want...


n i dont give a flyin fuck what ne one saying bout how much "paper" they got, cuz i dont give a flying fuck...i live WAAAYY better than most of ya'll...n i hope ya'll can get on this level....its a good life when you can do whatever you want whenver you want and still have nuff paper to do whatever the fuck you want....

ohh you make enough to cover ur rent and bills every month? That's great man, i'm really happy for you. Except whatever happened to owning your own house, with no morgage on it, at 20 years old?

You live in an apartment, and you're full of shit.

Suck a fat one, pc.
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