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Old 10-23-07, 03:21 PM   #13
Escaped Cannabalism Emcee
Cannabarz-K.O.R's Avatar
Posts: 163
From: Canada

LOL haha are you serious? theirs been many instances/cases where someone as young as a barely teen raped middle age women, hell I've heard somthing on the news where some barely teen raped a fucking 99 yr old women so kill all that noise..that was the softest most inadaquette punch ever thrown on RV..

haha...I have battled many people...most of them 10 times better than you, some of them just as wack...eitherway, your garbage you reached the record you have now is beyond me...but then again, you haven't battled one real vet on this it makes perfect sense..

I can pick apart, every dumb as line you've thrown ( which would be your entire verse ) but what's the fucking point? I don't need to sway, but it's obvious you do..go play the background kiddo..

..Trust me, the rumors were dont got a fucking chance. ..


..Jan 2007 Superior Cypher ..
..May 2007 Superior Cypher ..