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Old 10-27-07, 10:10 PM   #41
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015


Hi! Haters.............................

Hi! You stupid faggot who used to be such a nice child before you grew up and started hanging out with the 'cool' kids because no one paid attention to you. Instead of using your position that millions of children would die for, where you can become a respectable member of the community and gain a job and start up a family, you've chosen to waste tax payer's money by going to sleep during school and skipping school to smoke behind the playground, slowly killing yourself and turning your lungs into an oven with charred baked bits coating the inside through your own stupid obsession. You've inevitably stolen cigarettes from other people, had people old enough buy you cigarettes, and took money from your parent's wallet when they work a job they went to college for to get that money to support your ungrateful ass.

And instead of bettering yourself, because that would be too difficult for your lazy ass and too nice for civilized society, your stupid fucking self-absorbed bitch ass goes around talking to ladies when you should be studying for tests instead of making those 42's that I KNOW are on your report cards, if you haven't dropped out of high school by now.

Hi! You should've been an abortion.
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