Thread: Love
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Old 11-06-07, 02:47 AM   #32
I have a lot to learn...
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From: Life.

Originally Posted by Mystic.
who actually has the right or power to say what love is?

did love exist before us? or did we create it?

What kind of questions are those?

That's like asking if human depression existed before us, or if we created it. Love is a feeling humans can feel. Whether anything else in the universe feels "love" or not doesn't matter. Obviously if humans didn't exist the human feeling "love" wouldn't be able to be felt by humans.

Who has the right or power to say what anything is? Anybody can say whatever, but it doesn't describe the actual feeling because things like feelings are impossible to describe. Even objects are impossible to describe accurately. We just talk about it to see how close we can get.
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