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Old 11-07-07, 10:36 AM   #17
Antonio Banderas
Free Agent
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Posts: 395
From: Maryland

(Antonio Banderas)

With the tires deteriorating, the Michelins-were prone to tread water
smokes, ashes, and sparks glistened from the engine,-surged outta order
With my right hand extended, the Class C fire ex-tin-guish-er was unreachable
SO, I refastened my seat belt, tried to recline but the seats wont move!!!
Decreasing the blaze was difficult, as a gradually increased-in-speed
With a ferious spin off the wheels, I entered the Pit Stop to meet-my-needs
With the speed-deceased, the mechanics rotated the wheels and dimmed-the-fire
They exchanged the Michelins for Good Years, and mounted the rims-on-tires
Generated from the gearbox, rusty metal seemed to be welded on the worn bolts
the mechanic adjusted the NTL sequential 6 speed, and quoted the price in EURO
Once the tranmission was shifted, I seemed to be about 3 laps behind in the race
So, I gutted the ignited, put the metal to the floor, and denied to be last place
White smoke spit from my tailpipe, and I continued to max the cars limits
With 3 hungry young ones at home, there no way I'm leaving this race unfinished
Passing the comp with ease, I graced #34 as he derailed and his the sidelines
He jumped onto the raceway, furious that he way denied the winning sign
Now, gradually enclosing on 2nd place, my focus was on the Kodak CAR, #9
Had spinners outside the ride, you know the kind when you see, its like your blind
Again, I surged with power, absertive power, murder power, and surpassed his grasp
But, he retook the lead, while he headed for the 1st turn on the final lap
With the white flag raised, I new I had to manuever my vehicle into #1 position
Not going home ended handed, even if I crashed my car and woke up in stitches
So, I put pressure to the gas, and hit the button for the nitrous oxide
And breezed into the #1 spot, and wave as the driver with a peace sign
As I preceeded to the finishing line, the check flag began to wave me in
And I held up the cup to victory, and the Kodak car entered defeat again

The Comeback

||Sonny Barz! - The Middle Weight 1-2 Punchline Champion||SickHead.||Fly-E||Antonio Banderas|

Mystic (Traitor)
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