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Old 11-07-07, 02:59 PM   #21
Antonio Banderas
Free Agent
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Posts: 395
From: Maryland


Star Scream - The Hostile TakeOver
(By Antonio Banderas)

My perception blurs, my clouded eyes see decepticons stealing energon
Orders are stay at bay, but my focus is relentless on killing Megatron
Deez decepticons been stabbing me in my back since dawn of cybertron
So I'm gonna discharge a shot to Megatron’s jaw as I draw my firearm
My weapons disengage toward our leader, divorcing his arms & limbs
I'm relentless in the attack, his expression wonders why I'm harmin him
Summoned Soundwave & Blackout, the hostile takeover is a dealdly brut
Since I walked Cybertrons metallic planet, I've trained to aim n shoot
So I'll continue speakin through my lasers, that the decepticon quest
& I'll continue to distribute fatalities after I've put Megatron to death

The Comeback

||Sonny Barz! - The Middle Weight 1-2 Punchline Champion||SickHead.||Fly-E||Antonio Banderas|

Mystic (Traitor)
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