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Old 11-07-07, 05:42 PM   #69
Banned: Biting
Posts: 1,289

IM BACK !!! sorry it took a few...

but here it is...

2v to simple so i'll just lower the bar and see if he's mind do a limbo....
this small time fuck aint no boss... he only gives orders at the drive throu window...

I'm quite adhesive with a blow, and if Ransum thinks I've recently been low,I'll have to quote em in his check - point out this battle will ONLY be decent if I show

Then later on he change he's bar a bit from low to slowed2v WTF??

Oh I'm sorry, you want me to edit my rhyme to something that doesn't look like my first line is feeding to make you happy?

Okay, here's my new punch:

I'm quite adhesive with a blow, and if Ransum thinks I've recently slowed,
I'll have to quote em in his check - point out this battle will ONLY be decent if I show

You fucking see?

Just cuz I said BEEN LOW your DUMB FUCKING ASS thinks I'm feeding.

I don't give a SHIT what you think because I didn't. I don't "Dig", I don't care if you think this is BS and I quite frankly don't give a fuck if you think i'm cheating, I'm not.

It was a fucking phrase, a rhyming word and your ass is blowing it THE FUCK out of proportion.

Go ahead, keep bitching. But don't do it in here, Jackass.

^^ there is the link...

he should of been bannd from he's own leauge since week 2..
i knew you was gonna do it again and again and think since you the mod you can get away with it fucking fag YOU SUCK...

now i have more then 1 witness to it that actully voiceing it..
cuz when i actully voice it back then it never got recongnized IM GLAD IT IS NOW...

you should bannd u'rself from rapverse fucking herb...

just bring it back up so ya can see this shit...
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