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Old 11-08-07, 12:17 PM   #3
Banned: Biting
Posts: 1,289

the choice is yours...

You can let your homeworld become ruins.. ashes.. and smoke...
OR.. I can eviscerate your queen and have her fluid acids revoked...
So what do you fashion I poke?.. Hope you’ve made the decision...
Before I make an incision.. in her masterful nose...
Passion condoned.. you can have the last laugh.. but as laughter unfolds...
It’ll just cover up the fact that you spared her LAST for the crows...
The task is in stone.. slated love or empire.. as your emotions clash it’s untold...
Whether you act as a whole..
or take your citizen’s advice and let me bash in her skull...
As you wear your sash and your robe.. remember the masses behold...
You as their king.. so if you do as you please there’ll be a MASSIVE revolt...
Imagine the looting of gadgets that’s stole across your aristocratic abode...
Money talks.. but I’d bet all you got it says not to risk the damage that’s prone...
Picture it: they’d march right up to your helic castle and moat...
With a battering ram that’d MORE than spell disaster for most...
Look.. I’m not a savage or foe.. I just want to ravage your hope...
So I’m giving you the choice in hopes you let me batter her bones...
But before.. I suggest you travel to Rome.. and visit the Vatican Pope...
Make sure he gives you his blessings on your decision if rather it’s bold...
Back already? Then lets have it.. please confirm what action you chose...
Make it quick.. I already have a gravesite.. urn.. AND casket in hole...
I’ve made my decision.. kill me instead.. go head.. have the javelin thrown...
Very well.. BUT that wasn’t a path you could go...
You’ve just doomed your entire family…
Too late.. the reality’s cold.. your kingdom will fall from gravity’s hold...
Wiping your existence from memory.. sitting on YOUR galaxy’s throne...