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Old 11-11-07, 11:59 PM   #12
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by DJ-Sydm
^- Shows how little you know on the subject, the legalization plays a big part in the economy and other things, its a $15 Billion dollar "industry".

Im sure we've all seen "Armageddon", well, Nasa's budget for detecting any meteor/asteroid/comet is only $4 MILLION, where as the government spends 1 BILLION annualy jailing Marijuana related crimes which are usually non-violent offenders. Creating more jail space for violent ones, less money being wasted on jailing stoners, more money for other important things.

FFS prohibition has killed more people than Marijuana itself, there are no reported deaths.

Also, the government views Marijuana as having no medicinal value, which is complete bullshit as studies have shown. Its a valid treatment for a variety things.

On top of that, the goverment will finally leave old people alone. The state of California has medical Marijuana, but the D.E.A, under federal law, refuses to comply with state law, so they bust down the doors of "dispensaries" waiving AR 15's in the faces of people in wheelchairs and on crutches, they act like its a damn cartel.

Also, if Marijuana is legalized that creates the possibilty of a viable and usable fuel from hemp.

Get educated.

LMFAO, get educated?!

Yeah, bro, you know 100x more then me about the legalization of marijuana. PROPS DOG. "Knows a lot about marijuana." Drop that shit on your resume bro, good jobs guaranteeed.

Get the fuck out of here. I'm WAY more educated then you, you fucking idiot. Go spend your time doing something that actually matters and will actually help to advance your life, you worthless piece of shit. You would have to be the biggest waste of life I've seen on this board (okay, second - wickedclown takes first). Cool, you can list off statistics about the legalization of marijuana, but WHO GIVES A FUCK?!

Swallow a grenade, fag.
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