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Old 11-21-07, 12:55 AM   #5
Escaped Cannabalism Emcee
Cannabarz-K.O.R's Avatar
Posts: 163
From: Canada

spare time...

faggot ..dare grind, if you cross dress n' act like a queer fine',
I guess it's anything for you stupid ass to get radio air time'
plus ppl have to sit back in decipher what u rap in a cypher,
cuz it's wack, and it's like..we have to question if ur an actual typher..
what is it son? you got little fuck'n rash in ya diaper
and ya ass is so hypher, cuz whats in your crack is just like the..
shit ya burstin and laughin it's hard to rap and then peep through ya verse
and the act' tough, when a wack fuck is embodied so keep ya trap shut
or just back up, better yet jump infront of a mac truck
and let it drag your little ass till your whole carcus is cracked up!
and that's what? a minute of writing infinite cyphering skills
your missing the tightness dissing the sickest eliteness forreal?
faggot..stop spitting here..try to get someone to write you a deal
fightin' I'll snipe em and leave flying like a Kyte in the sheild..

..Trust me, the rumors were dont got a fucking chance. ..


..Jan 2007 Superior Cypher ..
..May 2007 Superior Cypher ..

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