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Old 11-29-07, 03:56 PM   #3
Dufflebag Boy
why so serious!!??
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Posts: 2,059

Originally Posted by 2v
If you're big, be a bouncer. The experience and ability to legally rough-handle drunks will be fun. You shouldn't be allowed to be a bartender since you're not 21, but hey if they told you that you could, go for it. Take the time off your goddamned hands and make a bit of money on the side.

But if you had to pick one, bartender. You said it yourself, more money. And yes I realize you might not get the job, but once you have the training, you have the training.

yea i was leaning more towards being a bartender too. i mean i might not be able to drink at the bar myself but i am getting paid to learn how to make drinks so when i got the shit at home i know what ta make and how ta make it. and if i got my license i'll be more qualified ta work at other bars. it doesnt just have ta be tall pauls. besides i think its a lil easier making people get drunk than deal with their bullshit after they get drunk lol know what i mean
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