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Old 11-29-07, 05:56 PM   #7
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by $uperman
most bars allow you to work there as long as your over 18. theres only one bar in town that requires you ta be 21 but yes u can work at bars, u could even have ur own license at just the age of 18. i didnt believe it myself when someone told me that till i went in the actual bar and found out myself

lmao, only in America.

I really don't get what they're trying to do. Why can't they just make the legal drinking age 18? It's a tiny minority that doesn't drink before the legal age of 21, and the goons in charge like to pretend that it doesn't happen.

Then they wonder why people don't respect police, when the police are policing idiotic laws that are none of their business.

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