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Old 12-05-07, 03:09 AM   #13
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Darkmanner
i've gotta stop reading your posts when im suffering from sleep deprivation lol

Allow me to insert my ____ into your consciousness, and twist it around a little bit so that it makes a noise, and then you'll wake up and be like "AHHHH, AHHHH, WHAT THE FUCK, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU" and i'll be like already out of there on the next flight to mexico, but I wasn't really on the next flight to Mexico, that was just a decoy, the real me is right behind you, just waiting, waiting and watching, ever vigilant, open eyed and aware of every tiny little movement that's going on, if you breathe, if you twitch your finger, I'll know before you even knew about anything, I was already there in the middle of the future looking back at you as you look towards the future with an open mind, and I was saying something like "yu- sut- t- ara- m- ord- -ry" and it was something but you couldn't quite make it out, and then it started to get to you, "what was that shit he was saying in the future? What could it possibly be? I could sort of make it out, but not really, I heard maybe a you and the end of something that ends with an R and a Y, it started with ord, maybe it could have been ordinary. So the start was like 'you' and then the last word was 'ordinary' but fuck, what about the rest, I don't even know, it was too jumbled up and shit, and I might not even be right about you and ordinary, fuck, what the fuck was it he was saying, why was he in the future, what the hell am I doing thinking about this so hard it was probably nothing, but it was something, it was there and it happened, and why couldnt I understand it, I just fucking wish I knew what he was saying, for fucks sake, this is annoying, maybe ill ask him tomorrow on rapverse, hey, teru, what was it you were saying in the future when you were looking back on me in my bed and saying some jumbled shit... But nah, that's fucking stupid, what a stupid thing to say, he'd say what are you talking about, he'd think I was crazy, he wouldn't understand what I was trying to tell him, and he probably doesn't even know what he said, but he fucking said it, how could he not know, what the fucking hell, he must know, he has to know, if anybody knows it would be him, I don't know and I saw it, I saw it right in front of me, I heard what he said, maybe I can try to make it out, no, no ,I already tried that, what was it, you... something something ordinary... that doesnt even fucking mean anything, fuck, what the fuck. AHHHH, AHHHH, WHAT THE FUCK, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!?!" ...

You see? You see what I did from the future? It happened but it didn't happen. I twisted my _____ around a little bit. What the fuck just happened.
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