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Old 12-13-07, 03:49 PM   #6
Posts: 6,178

Originally Posted by Tha .Q
From the bible:

The book is called Lamentations...It is in the Old Testament...

Chapter 3:

22The LORD's kindness never fails!

If he had not been merciful,

we would have been destroyed. 23The LORD can always be trusted

to show mercy each morning.

24Deep in my heart I say,

"The LORD is all I need;

I can depend on him!"

25The LORD is kind to everyone

who trusts and obeys him.

26It is good to wait patiently

for the LORD to save us.

27When we are young,

it is good to struggle hard

28and to sit silently alone,

if this is what

the LORD intends.

29Being rubbed in the dirt

can teach us a lesson; 30we can also learn from insults

and hard knocks.

31The Lord won't always reject us!

32He causes a lot of suffering,

but he also has pity

because of his great love.

33The Lord doesn't enjoy

sending grief or pain.

34Don't trample prisoners

under your feet

35or cheat anyone out of

what is rightfully theirs.

God Most High sees everything,

36and he knows

when you refuse

to give someone a fair trial.

37No one can do anything

without the Lord's approval.

38Good and bad each happen

at the command

of God Most High.

39We're still alive!

We shouldn't complain

when we are being punished

for our sins.

40Instead, we should think

about the way we are living,

and turn back to the LORD.

41When we lift our hands

in prayer to God in heaven,

we should offer him our hearts

and say, 42"We've sinned!

We've rebelled against you,

and you haven't forgiven us!

whatever nigga ..... smh
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