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Old 12-20-07, 07:14 PM   #30
Posts: 2,283

since when was hip hop based on lyrics? if i can recall hip hop was dance music frrom the begining... look at that song "rappers delight" that aint lyrical at all ...lyrically hip hop didnt start becomin a trend till recently...yall should know where hip hop came from..and for you dumb ppl im not sayin that song what started hip jus sayin theres more to hip hop then jus lyrics....wit that sed u gotta know to theres diff. genres in hip hop before you hate look into some shit....the hardest thing about comin up in the game is what "look" you goin gotta have that uniqness to you thats pretty sure lotta ppl can make the same music thats on the radio..but if u aint got no style, direction, goals, shows, promotion ect.. im sorry you jus gonna be an internet rapper... what rapper doesnt do shows? besides the few "so called" rappers on rv that are ever so dope .
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