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Old 12-20-07, 07:21 PM   #1
Jack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by SPuLâ„¢
^well if you made the thread and you didn't specify gender, you basically are talking about both. And plus, it all determines on your view. Like guys aren't the only ones who look down upon opposite sex "getting around". I know plenty of chicks who say "Eww, he's a player, don't mess with him" or shit like that. There are girls who don't care about being a one night stand, because that's probably what they want too, and vice versa.

Plus getting with a chick that likes to get around, what makes you know that she wouldn't cheat on you the minute you gotta leave for some business meeting or go out somewhere? I mean, shit son, just ask Poetic? nah mean?
Plus, I def see where Nos coming. If a girl saves herself that means she has respect for her body, and is choosing to only have sex with someone she really loves or feels connected with. I mean, I know for fact, sex when you actually love the person a lot beats out random sex with a chick finer than one you like. Plus, you prolly could worry less bout cheating and it better for those on that "Idiot Gear" tip

Nah son think bout it girls usually don't say that unless the guy is a player in terms of he actually "plays" girls. Trick them saying he love them when he really don't just to get them into bed then leave 'em heartbroken. Cheat on them.. etc etc.. If it's just a guy who gets with a lot of girls who into it and know what's up girls usually don't mind that...

Most guys in general like to fuck, and sure there's always gonna be guys who like to fuck that cheat on girls and girls who like to fuck that cheat on guys. There's some that don't even get around that much and still cheat. It's about respect for who you're with, and trusting the one you love. If she really love you she aint gonna do you like that regardless if she liked to get around before meeting you. I never said I respect girls who like to fuck a lot and cheat on their bf's, I don't respect cheating at all... Just cuz a girl like to have sex a lot doesn't mean she's not responsible enough to be in a relationship without cheating on her partner ya dig? That's where trust is you gotta be smart and determine if she only gonna be with you yourself. Don't go with a girl who is known for cheating on her bfs. But just cuz a girl used to hook up with a lot of guys and fuck doesn't mean when she finds someone she loves she won't be pure with them. You already know what was up with me before I met Chrystal and how I am now...

And I don't buy that "she respects her body" cuz she saving it and a girl who likes to have sex a lot doesn't respect her body. No one says that about guys, if ya boy was like word I got a job as a male stripper you wouldn't be like "Damn homie you don't respect your body." But nah hookers don't respect themselves and neither do strippers really but that's a different story. Girls who let guys sexually molest them in the office who they don't even like at all and don't say anything about it they don't respect themselves. Hookers who have sex with random strangers for money don't respect themselves. Girls who have sex with random strangers don't respect themselves and strippers who dance for drunk dudes for money maybe don't respect themselves that's cuz the dudes only see them as whores and they feed that already negative image regarding that. I aint saying girls who go out and fuck with random strangers are right man but a girl at a house party make out with 2 differant guys that night suck one of their dicks so what let her do her shit. Unless she just doing it to look cool or for other reasons then that's wrong otherwise let her do her thing if that's what she wants that doesn't mean she doesn't respect herself... I aint really feeling that for guys either who fuck strangers I mean if the girl know the guy or about him, like through friends, have class with him went on a date etc etc and hit on him and get him into bed and fuck him and then go and do it with another guy I aint gonna disrespect her just cuz she did that and call her a slut.

And that image is usually only associated with Younger girls. No one saying those chicks in the show "sex in the city" are sluts. Cuz they're older mature women doing their thing but when they're younger ages and do that why guys gotta call them sluts... girls aint degrading themselves homie guys are degrading them.
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