Thread: Wow @ Ron Paul
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Old 01-08-08, 11:43 PM   #22
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Originally Posted by TeamOne
u should type some more.... i have one question tho... is Hilary's plan for healthcare the same one she had when Bill basically gave her the job to create a healthcare plan during his term? cuz it sure does sound like it, and i feel like she'll get attacked a lot by republicans as being a failure (altho it was their fault she wasnt able to pass anything).... i support her plan for healthcare, and Obama's too, both seem like the right direction to me, but i just feel like Hilary's plan wont succeed just because it already failed 10+ years ago

Hilary's health plan is actually Canada and Europe. The problem with it is that they've done this for an extremly long time. How many businesses in America are tied to insurance, medicine, etc? How do you think doctors would respond to this? We already have socialized income for police, fire dept, teachers etc, and whats their number one complaint? Money. They don't get paid alot. And everytime people talk about the ultimate success in America they say oh I wanna be a doctor when I grow up. Not after that socialized health care shit happens.

And America's economy couldn't be in a more fucked up time to start this shit. Health care needs to be cut in price dramatically, DRAMATICALLY, so that everyone can have it, but giving all the power to the government would not only force ppl to pay more taxes. But it'll destroy a shitload of businesses in America, making the economy THAT much worst.
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