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Old 01-19-08, 07:05 PM   #21
I have a lot to learn...
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Originally Posted by .Poetic.
lmfao.. funny you say that cus those same games are going to the 360.

resident evil 5
silent hill 5
and GTA 4

jus think of it like this once the New xbox comes out ps3 will be shitted on lke 5x over. and yes theres rumors that a new xbox is comming out. but like I was saying in the ps3 version and xbox 360 versions of games the 360 team adds more to there games while ps3 just adds and only goes for graphics. and with the 360 people they add to the game before they do there graphics. but to the point the games for ps3 arnt that great. the 360 online shits on ps3. and overall the xbox is way better it even has a removeable hardrive. and you can customize your xbox.

What you're saying doesn't make sense...

Whether a game is good or not isn't up to which platform it's on. It's all up to the developers. What does "they add to the game before they do their graphics" even mean? Every game is treated differently, and a lot of the cross-platform games have exclusive content for each version. You have no idea how the "360 team" or the "PS3 team" approaches the development of their games, and your comments prove that.

Also, what's with you saying PS3 games aren't that great? Your main argument against a lot of the awesome games is that they are on 360 as well. Does it make the game automatically bad if it's the PS3 version? Games like GTA4, DMC4, they're going to look better on the PS3. The only reason the older cross-platform games looked better on 360 was because they were developed for 360 and then ported to PS3. This time it's the other way round, they develop on the PS3 because it gives them more freedom, then port to 360.

Why do you think Sony didn't release any of its big guns in 2007? Sony aren't idiots, they realized that 2007 was already won by the 360, because of all the releases for it that would sell really well, and they were at a disadvantage in the system sales, so it would be suicide and a waste to put their gems head on against Microsoft's. But look at how 2008 is looking... Most of Microsoft's big games this year are going to be on the PS3 as well (with better graphics), but they lack the abundance of good exclusive games that Sony has up their sleeves. I mean, the 360 is going to have good games this year, but so will the PS3... Stuff like Motorstorm 2, The Getaway, WarDevil, Haze, Killzone 2, Socom: Confrontation, White Knight Chronicles, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet...

Sony has this incredible line-up, and the 360 isn't going to be able to match it blow for blow. Then, beyond that, you have the classic Sony system movers that Microsoft isn't going to be able to touch... MGS4, Tekken 6, Gran Turismo. From the looks of things, Microsoft is going to have to do something really amazing to stop the gap between them and Sony closing up. Something like release a redesign of the 360... Which would be good, since there has been problems with the 360 hardware since it was released.

The Live service is really good though, and Microsoft might be able to expand their market if they do some decent things with Live. The only shit thing is that you have to pay for it.

Anyway, personally, I just trust Sony more to give me the kind of games I'm looking for, because they've been in the industry longer, and they're innovating in their own way. The PS3 is a more advanced piece of technology than the 360 is, but the games are the main thing, and 07 was a shit year for Sony but it looks like they can finally start making some moves.

Anyway, at least Nintendo is owning the fuck out of both of them.
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