Thread: Mimesis vs K-M
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Old 01-29-08, 01:08 PM   #2
Posts: 338

Originally Posted by Bangalore
Voted For: Mimesis

Mims took this one way more coherent even from the first line , word play was by far more advance along with the count on each line. meta's sort of lacked but on the long run most of the lines in this battle that caught my eye were on mims side

you didn't have super catchy punches , work on your word play and make sure if your going to use punch lines that they hit harder than
"do i need more explanations or do u wanna see gore....
i pick apart 19 year old kids in battles.... scavengers eating dead mammals at seas shores!...."

work on your openers and closers too

out of 5 mims has 3.898
K-M had 2.2782 out of 5
or better known as


^^^^^^ yeah i wasn't really doing punches....i was doing alot more personnels.....trying something different cause i usually dont do personnels....just experimenting.....but i do alot better punches than that i just threw that one out cause it made sense to me at the time.....thanks for the advice and voting anyways.....thanks to everyone else that voted to.....o yeah... dun ....and poet.....yall explain your votes better next not sweatin the shit now they all ready posted.....good verse to Mims....~1~