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Old 02-27-08, 08:46 PM   #21
La Cosa Nostra
Bangs like bikini attol
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From: Gaza Strip

Originally Posted by TitoBronsky
Mim... you honestly have no place on a hip hop forum.... and the same goes for you NOS.... White dudes wit dreads = poser wit penis envy.

I aint stressing what yall kooning ass fools say... yall the same niggas that think 2 planes brought down the towers....

There is a conspiracy to destroy Hip Hop... and its roots are deep... the players in the game are the same people who brought crack to streets during the height of the Black Power Movement... Ignorance is bliss... so yall must be happier than a motha fucka... Knowledge is power yall... Nuff said.

World Peace

-Don Tito Bronsky

ps... When im raping your wallet yall wont be talking so much shit

for real you have any mental retardation?

i wouldnt be surprised if you have some sort of mild fuckup with that shit brain of yours...

calling someone ignorant is pretty funny isnt it... however it doesent really work if all your points then equate to you being a hippocrit...

for starters your trynna talk to me about the world trade center... thats a bad move... $100 says a conversation about 9/11 between me and you, would go right over your head you pseudo interlect clown...

and your calling me a poser?

come on now man... you are literally the biggest poser here.. I remember last time we had a spat "oh yeah, im a scolar of all things" "i have such immense intelligence"............i mean youve yet to demonstrate ANY form of above grade school intelligence what so ever.......full stop dont pass go... because tito you are stupid...

so that sets a pre-tense for the rest of your argument...

look man, conspiracys to screw hip hop? fucking prove it you shit for brains arab...... fucking launch a jihad over it or whatever you like... but when were talking reality... mainstream hip hop has been fucked mainly by record companys only hiring people who suit a money making formula...

oh yeah.......and before i go.....

do you even know what agency is responsible for bringing crack to the ghettos? or did you just throw that one in for a bit of a pose aswell without knowing any real details?

knowledge IS power tito.........and you are one weak minded mother fucker who diludes himself into thinking he knows something...

heres one for you bro... the more you learn, the less you know..

you havnt even begun...
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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