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Old 02-29-08, 12:28 PM   #2
Pushin it....
Cola's Avatar
Posts: 7,966
From: Round tha way

Originally Posted by ∆ P E X X
aphillyate, that's cool. some people are willing to sacrifice quality for cost. I'm not. The fact that one of my stones is worth more than your brothers entire ring should tell you that lol. truthfully you do really pay for the 'fire', or how light plays in the diamond and how vibrantly it explodes with color. my girl wanted a nice modest ring, and I do admit every jeweler I take it to I do enjoy watching their eyes pop out and every woman I've shown it to has melted lol, so this fits the bill perfectly and I'm very happy with it.

for the price scale on diamonds you can take a look at this

first off, if money = love in the eyes of you and your women...g'look in that realtionship full of bullshit. On the other hand, how is dropping that much money making a sacrifice? All you did was pay out the ass for a ring. Yippie! Giving the last of your money to your girlfriend so she can eat a good meal, while you go fucking work on an empty stomach, thats a sacrfice that's more in the love bracket.....
Originally Posted by Lysol
But Eminem is the best.

Destroyin Tricks on the Daily

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