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Old 03-04-08, 02:37 PM   #13
Jay Rose
I don't lose
Posts: 1,686

i think his main point can be summed up as.....

"one mans trash is another mans treasure"

because someone has an opnion on what hip-hop is, doesnt mean its really waht hip-hop is...

i view non-lyrical rap (party songs mostly) as a different genre of hip-hop
as an art form they are right to the point, entertaining, catchy, and concise

lyrical is deeper, more abstract, complex, yet also entertaining in a different way...

so when compared to another art form

its like a portrait to a pacaso...though the pacaso may be more masterful and complex the portrait is still art...and some people love it just as much....

one mans trash, is another mans treasure.....

well i thought about the army
dad said, son you're fucking high
and i thought, yeah there's a first for everything
so i took my old man's advice
three sad semesters
it was only fifteen grand spent in bed
i thought about the army
i dropped out and joined a band instead

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