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Old 03-09-08, 06:37 PM   #6
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759

Sausages are better then pancakes. There's so many differant types of sausages. And you can fry them, smoke them, grill them, cook them all sorts of ways. You can fry them with lemon or maple syrup to add some extra flavor, you can even buy mapple syrup sausages. I bought this think at Cost-Co it's a box with like 50 sausages and 6 differant types of sausages. Man you can eat them with breakfast, lunch, or chop them up and fry them, then throw them into some penine pasta with rose sauce and fried mushrooms. If you choose COD4 over pancakes and sausages you prolly just don't know how to cook. Sausages is one of my mine ingredients I use when I cook
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