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Old 03-24-08, 09:49 PM   #8
La Cosa Nostra
Bangs like bikini attol
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From: Gaza Strip

Originally Posted by Jumpman
^ Amen. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Nos, YOU are a gaping V-A-G-I-N-A for being scared enough (yes, I said it, scared) of the unknown potential threats of another nation to want to just blow them off of a map just to make YOUR sweet little high all the time because my mommy didn't love me sunny-side-up life easier. And THAT makes you a man in your mind?

And us not wanting to completely annihilate an entire nation full of innocent men, women, and children could only possibly be attributed to us worrying about being politically correct?

Seriously Nos, grow the FUCK up. And grow out of your spoiled teenage ecstasy-driven rave angst stage already. Damn.

look... dickhead.. if your going to argue.. then dont just make shit up.. unknown potential threats? what the fuck are you talking about moron...

and yeah ok then.. you care about people you dont know who dont affect your life in the slightest.....except ofcourse for all the terrorists who would love to kill you because your country and more importantly britain stole their countries land and gave it to these people...

good, so thats your opinion... you are against sacraficing one group of people to gain peace with the greater whole... thats compleatly understandable... its actually one of the more intergral points to this thread..

actually... heres a queston for you...

what would you do if the united nations basically chose a few american states and said, ok guys........move all the americans out because were gonna give this land to a nation of arabs...

ok, yep... you got no choice in the issue... and were gonna pump them full of money so they got a major fuckoff military.. just live with it americans...
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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