Thread: Christianity
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Old 03-29-08, 04:50 PM   #29
Jack The Ripper
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You guys have some nerve to tell someone who is a great, amazing person, that they will be going to hell because they aren't part of your religion.

You know what, I went to a Christian camp when I was young, I didn't know it was a christian summer camp, I didn't read the flyer because my friend just told me bout it, said you get to shoot rifles at the rifle range everyday and that they played a lot of fun games and had good food. So I went, being the only Jew there. It was the biggest fucking form of brainwash i've ever seen. They take these little kids who are too dumb to question anything and tell them over and over again every single day "Have you accepted Jesus!? He is the only way to go to heaven you know that!?"

One time I asked them, so if I accept Jesus into my heart as my lord and savior, then i'll go to heaven, but my non religious familly who hasn't accepted Jesus, what will happen to them?

The counselor replied "Jesus is the only way to go to heaven, your familly will go to hell if they accept him"

I told him to go fuck himself, spit in his face and to never tell me my familly is going to hell.

I got kicked out of the camp...
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