Thread: Christianity
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Old 03-31-08, 11:46 AM   #7
Who dosn't love head?
Posts: 66

Originally Posted by Chris Stylez
ALL jews are not going to be burn in hell. Just the ones who dont beleive in Jesus and accept him as his lord and savior. Back when Jesus was fullfilling his purpose There were jews that beleived in him. It was the high preist that shunned him along with some other jews. Jews are already being punished for their sins aginst Jesus Christ. With all the massacres that has been commited upon the Jews almost wiping them.

God doesnt take disobedience likely. Realize all the Christian who follow jesus. When they make a mistake they are punished for them. Spiritial and physicaaly. Maybe not at the time right there but they are punished for them. Moses who was one of his most devoted followrs next to Jesus imo was punished because he gave credit to himself accidently on one account. That was enough for God to say no. Your are not going to take credit for something I did and bestowed upon you. and Moses never got into the promise land.

The Reason the Jews were being shuned and going through hell. Is because They knew about jesus and his comming But actually chose to not accept them. They praised moses and his words and studied them. But chose not to follow his words and listen. So its the Jews fault for not accepting him.

There are no jews who believe in Jesus as the savior, therefore, they are all going to hell apparently. It's ok, other religions think they're going to hell, along with all Christians too.

You're saying the masacres agains the Jews, is them being punished for their sins against Jesus? I don't know if you're trying to say that World War 2 was God punishing Jews, but if you were, and said that to my face, i'd punch you so fucking hard you have no idea.

"God doesnt take disobedience likely."

WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU, GODS BEST FRIEND!? You have coffee with him every morning?? You know how much cream and sugar he likes too? You don't know God, so stop assuming you know his personality. Man has no fucking right to describe to anyone what God is like.

"The Reason the Jews were being shuned and going through hell. Is because They knew about jesus and his comming, but actually chose to not accept them. They praised moses and his words and studied them. But chose not to follow his words and listen. So its the Jews fault for not accepting him"

How do Jews NOT follow Moses words? You don't even know shit bout their religion. For your information they DO follow Moses's words and listened. They do believe a Savior will come, they just don't believe it was Jesus.

Regardless of this lame ass logic, lets pretend your right. Ok so the Jews of today are just following what their parents taught them, so because of this God is gonna send them to burn in hell?

In that case, FUCK GOD. That makes him no better then Hitler, singling out one person he likes better and choosing them, the rest burn in hell.

Doesn't sound like a Godly mentality to me, sounds like the same fucking stupid, prejudice, bullshit racist mentality HUMANS have been using over the years.

I know in my own heart God isn't a piece of shit like you've made whatever he is out to be.

Thanks for sharing your beliefs with me though, peace and love homie laters
Old School
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