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Old 04-15-08, 08:08 PM   #1
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by King_Aphilly
funniest thign about THIS comment, is that i never read it. I should have, i wont lie. Becuase its full of fun facts and statments that show how much of a fucking loser you are.


1. You still NEVER gave me an example of how my statments were of base, you simply just continue to to try and swithc up the topic by adding the most off base points possible. Going from me calling you a drug addict to talking about a cop conference in las vegas... oouucchh

2. You NEVER have tried to discredit my points of me calling you a drug addict, all you simply have done is ignore them...and say they were off topic. Again

all in all, your a wigger


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