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Old 04-16-08, 12:33 PM   #67
Pushin it....
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Posts: 7,967
From: Round tha way

Originally Posted by Baphomet
ATTN: Aphillyate

its obvious you have a problem observing logic.. i fail to see any form of obscure reasoning as to why i would even feel the need to read your posts any more...

your 20 years old right? its a safe bet that your life is probably some cliche bullshit story...2 decades of settling for less and being a petty reletivly unknown, unrespected nobody around town...

i dont know you but you make a lot about your personality blaitantly obvious in the way you speak and react to things in the same mannor as (generally speaking) a 15/16 year old school kid...

hate to steriotype, but id say its also probably a safe bet that you dropped out of school... and i dont know if your white or not, but if you are, then there is absolutly no possible way in the universe as it exists right at this fucken minute, that you are not unquestionably far more of a wigger than me..

dont even try and kid yourself on that one... youve been running with it your entire argument and it was never really working from the start.. so if you actually do have any dignity, youd most likly want to stop calling me a wigger... im pretty much a fucking skin head for christ sake.. and my whole crew is white, except for one black dude who isnt really crew but hangs out with us and we would step in for him... were not hateful at all to other races, were just proud to be who we are. and fuck anyone for disputing that. also, when the fuck ever do you see me use any words like "homie" or "dog" or......fucking anything that vaguely resembles something an african american would say.

secondly, this whole 'druggie' thing that your claiming im avoiding... trust me, im not avoiding it...........its just really retarded that you think your somehow putting me down..

doctors.........take drugs.......
lawyers.........take drugs.......
polititions, world leaders, army personel, actors, famous musicians (ESPECIALLY famous musicians), blue coller work force, white collar work force, the english royal family (prince harry) smokes weed...

for crying out loud.. you act like because i openly admit to drug use i should automatically fit some steriotype of a heroin junky. dont you realise how immature that perspective is? its the perspective of someone who is REALLY fucking sheltered.

seriously...... go and re-think your entire personality you fucking clown

first off, how could i be a wigger? PROVE IT? i have proof that you ARE a fucking wigger, and you KNOW IT! So you took DOWN YOUR OWN PICTURE LIKE THE FUCKIGN CLOWN THAT YOU ARE. Post that shit back up you lil pussy if you aint afaird....otheriwse, YOU ARE A FUCKING LAME.

as far as your drug rebuttle? hahahahahahahaha. again you PROVED NOTHING. your just like...yeah other people do drugs, sooooo i do drugs....i'm not an addict. No faggot, you do hard drugs and brag about them on a fucking internet rap board. Something that is nither cool or braggable. You sound like a fucking gayer version of steelz of lungs.

Try again, BITCH
Originally Posted by Lysol
But Eminem is the best.

Destroyin Tricks on the Daily

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