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Old 05-01-08, 08:02 AM   #16
Blay'all's Avatar
Posts: 8,581
From: North Carolina

do i even know basketball?

who's fuckin with STEVE NASH? LOLLLLLLL

Gilbert Arenas, Delonte West, Rajon Rondo, AI (may not be a true PG, but he runs point some for Denver), Tony Parker... i'd take any of them right now before i took Nash. and, i didn't even want to include this one on the list...

motherfuckin CHRIS PAUL.
do YOU even "know" basketball? lol, wow

Nash = Canada's only hope = fallen off.
"Motherfuck a struggle, lets dance in the rain"

★ G ☆ U ★ N ☆ N ★ E ☆ R ★

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