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Old 05-01-08, 08:13 PM   #34
Blay'all's Avatar
Posts: 8,581
From: North Carolina

okay, first things first you confused little harold & kumar lookin mothafucka - the whole NBA 2k8 thing was a joke... i was saying it was ironic that that just happened as we were in the middle of this discussion about Nash. i assumed you would have the common sense to realize that
Originally Posted by SPuL™
^yea, seeing as he hasn't hit many clutch shots in his career, that's REAL ironic. =/

oh, and i suggest you go away from the CHILDISH state stereotype comments, because the rest of the nation has WAYYYYYYY more stuff to make fun about NC than they do MA. And you've already stated a lot. So let's not go down the childish road, ok? Cool...

and yea? So? Just because he has so many talented players doesn't mean that his productivity is going to be up. Look at the Celtics now. Rondo doesn't put up spectacular numbers, does he? No. He gets like 10 ppg or w/e don't know bout assists, etc etc. Nash HAS all these big time players and still he gets his points, his assists, and plays his D.

Plus, he is probably BIGGEST reason (Not this yr) in their prime years the Suns had such a great transition style of basketball. He moved the ball well, and kept the defense on his toes. I don't see West and Rondo doing that. Plus, in clutch times he isn't afraid to keep the ball in his hand and take that shot. In that Spurs game, he made that incredibly hard 3 pter near end of 2nd ot look easy.

I could see your point if all Nash did was pass the ball around, but obviously he doesn't. The stats don't lie.

okay, so you start out the post saying Nash hasn't hit very many clutch shots... then end it with your finishing point being that he takes clutch shots.

there are so many errors in your post i can't even address them all.

actually, if you've been watching the second half of the season and especially playoffs, Rondo's numbers HAVE been very impressive.

and this statement: "and yea? So? Just because he has so many talented players doesn't mean that his productivity is going to be up." doesn't make any sense whatsoever. yes, for a point guard that DOES mean that his productivity should go up... especially in the sense i was talking about, which is winning more than 1 game in the playoffs. i didn't say anything about PPG or any of that bullshit.

*waits for you to use the phrase "lil daddy" as the only point of your next response in an attempt to make me look stupid; instead making yourself look like a dumbass in the process*
"Motherfuck a struggle, lets dance in the rain"

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