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Old 05-01-08, 10:13 PM   #44
J. Luth
I see dumb people
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Posts: 15,826
From: Boston, MA

Originally Posted by Watch Teevy™
okay, let me break this down for you... you need to lay off the White Castle and start paying attention.

so, you made the statement:
"yea, seeing as he hasn't hit many clutch shots in his career, that's REAL ironic. =/"

so, you are saying that you were being sarcastic by making that statement. which would mean that in reality you meant was that it is NOT ironic that Nash missed the shot in my video game (which at this point you thought i was being serious about) because he DOES hit clutch shots all the time in real life. i come to this conclusion because the "REAL ironic" hints sarcasm that you actually think it ISN'T ironic, and you already stated that you were saying he does hit clutch shots all the time.

so, we come to this non-sarcastic statement: "It is NOT ironic that Nash missed a game winning shot, because he DOES make them all the time in real life."

maybe you need to look up the word "irony."

look, it is really out of my personality to go into this much detail analyzing something like this on the internet, but please, Spully boy...

Do not EVER again in your precious little e-life try talking down to somebody smarter than you saying some stupid shit like "you suck at making arguments" when the whole basis of your "argument," when it comes down the the technicalities that you wanted so bad to act like you understood, makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

now PLEASE tell me you were able to follow that.

no maybe YOU need to pay attention and I also suggest the subway diet.

An argument, whether it is on the internet, over the phone, written, or even during sex is still an argument.

I'm studying journalism, and have written my share of opinion pieces and in an opinion piece they teach you that your goal is to state your point, and then DEFEND it and in the end hope to have convinced non-believers that your point is valid, or is atleast worthy of argument sake and not something to just blow off. And from the critique i'm gotten from my editors, and the UMASS Amherst sports editors (Who guaranteed me the #1 sports writing slot if I get accepted), and even yourself, have told me I'm doing it the way I should. So I know how to form

So just because it might happen on a rap board, it's still an argument. And LOL @ "oh you taking it so seriously". It's an argument, if you're gonna spend the time to post paragraph after paragraph (like we've both been doing it) why wouldn't I try to take it seriously? You're acting like making an argument is like pushing a 50 ton boulder up a steep hill. I'd rather "take this serious" then waste my time typing useless mumbo jumbo back and forth. That's just plain stupid.

And as far as you claiming you're smarter than me? lmao Kid, you don't know me. And don't even try to play the college game. Where you go to college isn't the ultimate factor in who's more intelligent than someone else. So stop gassing yourself up.

You were the same kid back when you started rapping and had your lil group with that kid "Hard Target" or some bullshit like that, claiming you gon make it big and that you were making moves. You talk the talk, but failed to walk the walk. Quit gassing yourself up marshmellow boy


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