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Old 05-01-08, 10:21 PM   #46
J. Luth
I see dumb people
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Posts: 15,826
From: Boston, MA

Originally Posted by Watch Teevy™
and lmao @ you saying anything about where i am right now being in any way a "nowhere"... whats the name of the school you go to again? oh yeah, thats right... nobody's ever heard of it before.

check the national college rankings for the University of North Carolina - you should be able to find it fairly easily... HINT: its right up near the top

so you want to be a sportswriter? ask all of the ESPN anchors what journalism school you should go to. maybe you could sit down with UNC graduate Stuart Scott while you're there.

once again, it is not in my personality to criticize any other man for where they go to college... but you're just gonna sit there and say some dumb shit like "a nowhere state like North Carolina"... LOL, please.

Uhmm how does WHAT university in the state determine it's popularity? I was speaking of the STATE itself. Why the fuck would I want to live in North Carolina? what is out there? Nothing..

and if you judging states by the college they play host too??

Look up Harvard, top 5. UNC is in the 20's. Oh, and also MIT. That should help.

but that wasn't even my point.

and LOL @ me predicting you'd try to gass yourself up with the college talk in my last post. Typical of someone with an ego like you.

I'll say it again,

where you go to school isn't the ultimate factor in determining how intelligent someone is.

If the world was perfect, and everyone applied themselves to their fullest potential then maybe yes, but that doesn't happen.

I slacked off my sophomore and junior yr. (3.8 gpa freshmen, 2.2 soph, 1.2 junior, and 3.5 senior). I regret it, but i gotta pay the price. I got a 3.45 gpa first semester this yr, and perfect 4.0 this semester. So my gpa will be around 3.75 for the yr. and now going to be attending UMASS Amherst which is a top 100 school.

Also, LOL @ UNC best journalism school. Umm....... ever heard of Columbia? Stanford? Look it up for yourself, and find out.


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