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Old 05-05-08, 12:48 AM   #14
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759

Wow, you know why they invented the term "player haters" and "don't hate the player hate the game" because of dudes like you.

When I talk bout Nick Cannon or Jay-Z I don't say shit like WTF HOW DID THEY GET THESE GIRLS FUCK THIS SHIT!! I say word those goes are Mactastic and I look up to them for inspiration when it comes to macking hoes.

And Nick Cannon good looking no homo, Jay Z is just an ugly muh fucka, almost as bad as Sam Casell, and he gets Beyonce and Rihanna, now that's something to fucking admire and look up to. I respect him more as a player then I do as a rapper...

And shit is simple. Nick Cannon is a young stud in hollywood, who grew up wanting to dick Maraih Carey and now that she lost 20 pounds and look good again went for it, and she's an old timer who wanna look cool like the other celebrities with "hot young men" like it's a fucking trend, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, and when Timberlake and Cameron Diaz were still together.

It's a good move on her part, she's not gonna get many young, rich, succesfull guys who are gonna make her feel young too, so yea..
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