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Old 05-17-08, 10:35 PM   #1
Chris Stylez
Semper Fi
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Posts: 2,269
From: Uptown Maryland
Lets Talk Hip-hop Vol. 1


So I was watching Hip-hop vs America like 20 mins ago. Hearing them debate. So i want to talk about hip-hop with you all. Such like a certain aspect of what we see is wrong with the music today.

Now my question is and I want yall to discuss and give me your views is. Why do soo many listeners of the genre favor the dumb down less intelligent form of the music rather than the intellectual side of the music. Considering some of the most played, unintelligent, and feeble lyrics as some of the best stuff they have ever heard. While the intelligent and creative go in the dark.

My theory is that it starts back in kindegarden. I got this from my sociology class. That sociologist Ray Rist did a study how teachers placed kids in parts of the class room from thier ethnic background, race, and income. Placing all the higher fortunate kids(as you know is predominately white) in the front part of the class room. While putting all the lower kids(predominately black, and spanish kids) in the back. Sociologist studied that from the first 8 days of Kindegarden it classifies the students. Higher ups that they are intelligent, intellectual, going to be someone. While in the back unintelligent, no intellect, and not going to grow up to be something in their life.

Now how a majority of hip-hop listeners relate to the art form and why do they listen to the music. Alot consider it as it the black, hood, or color things to do.And as you know that a majority of people mainly listen to those people that know where they are comming from. or smile in their face and front like they know. So the unintelligent students listen to unintelligent lyrics and classify themselves along with those kind of lyrics and try to mirror their image as they figure they can do the same thing. Why? Because they figure they come from the same past and can have the same future or a version of it.

They dont listen to the more intelligent music and seperate themselves from the more intelligent artist because since their first days in school they have always been seperated from the intelligent and intellectual kids. So they grow up apart from the intellectual. But when placed infront of the intelleectual means they dont cope with it because now the two are like oil and water. They dont seem to mix or understand where they are comming from. And with todays society of trying to have everyone conform to their own style in attempts to destroy individualism and group themselves shunning outer groups from their circle. You can't really blame why so many hip-hop listenrs give their credit to Rappers like Lil Wayne, Young Jeezy, Bird Man, Soulja boy. Because through growing up in life on the lower end of education its always been about forget school and just have fun. Party, smoke, have sex, and only care about yourself and not others around you.

Which the last part mention is why people dont care if such rappers dog them, talk about fucking their girlfriends, killing them and their family. Because they start to group themselves with that mentality at such a young age.And like i said earlier. They attempt to mirror that image trying to be just like that or a somehwat smiliar version to that. So they dont mind hearing that.

But yeah before I get to far. Im let yall read that and give your insight and your views and discuss this peace before I go on with more I haveto say.

Project List

The Classick Mixtape Vol (8/18)
Age Of Consent Mixtape Vol 1(16/16)
The Classick Album(2/16)
S&S Express E.P.(1/10)

Lot of back to back shit. Stay tuned.
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