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Old 05-18-08, 01:15 AM   #5
Chris Stylez
Semper Fi
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Posts: 2,269
From: Uptown Maryland

Thing is. Steps had to be taken for the industry to figure out that it sells in hip-hop. It wasn't all pure garbage. To long ago. They had to see what works with the consumers. Just like pepsi with the different pepsi flavors. They will keep selling the basics but they are always testing out new kinds of flavors giving them out to the consumers like lemon pepsi, vanilla pepsi, and cherry pepsi and so on. With rap it appeals to the lower income low education class of society. Which does not breed intellectuals as the higher income and more educated class of people. Brainwashing only comes after they have found what to brain wash the people with.

Brainwashing only really works if you have a group of peopleto agree with the information of the brainwash. Someone has to give in to the brainwash more willingly in order for others to follow along. Because everyone is not open to getting brainwash. Human beings strive to fit in. So if they see a growing group they are going to intergrate themselves into that group. They only people that are really brainwahsed are those people who grew up intellectual wise but listen to the dumb down lyrics and enjoy them trying to fit in. The inellectual are the ones who willingly give in because they see that as their life styles and can relate.

There are many factors that play in to why so many enjoy dumb down lyrics instead of intllectualy smart lyrics. Education plays a part. When your smarter or above something. Do you willingly give in to it or to you shun it. But if something is or around your level you will except it. If something is to beyond your level you stir away and keep away from it. Its in all parts of society.

When people get their first job. What are they most likely to apply for....Burger flipper or a clerk or VP at a major company. In video games you stay way from the high level players segregating yourself from them untill you reach that level. Thing with music many people dont strive to reach beyond their level and work for more. They are happy with where they at. So they stay with the dumb down lyrics that are at their level to comprehend.

Relating and staying with and supporting with things around your level is in all parts of society. Even on rapverse. Well old days of rapverse when all the vets shuned the herbs and the herbs just battled the herbs staying away from the vets.

Im not saying that my theory is the soul reason im just stating that its one of the many reason why so many people listen to dumb down music.

Project List

The Classick Mixtape Vol (8/18)
Age Of Consent Mixtape Vol 1(16/16)
The Classick Album(2/16)
S&S Express E.P.(1/10)

Lot of back to back shit. Stay tuned.
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