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Old 05-18-08, 02:14 AM   #6
_Talksic_'s Avatar
Posts: 2,414

i see what your saying but i disagree with some parts,people are going to listen to whatever is popular and they are going to move with the crowd, when hip hop originated it was more intellectuall then any other music out,and when used right to this day it still is, people that listen to real hip hop are a lot and i mean a lot smarter than you think.,,maybe not with their bussiness doctrine but they are smart.
if it was cool to listen to intellecuall music everyone would elevate to that level to fit in..and with brainwashing, i disagree and ill explain why,
so your saying with all the songs like,
throw ya hood up, you in the club throw yo hood up,whats yo set,ect.. doesnt tell people how to act? example, cuz when i was bouncning at clubs dudes couldnt wear their hats with or without logos cuz it would start fights espesially when those songs would come on..
with all the songs talking about violence and all that katz mimic that, i dare u to go to a club in oakland when theyre playing get stupid by mac dre..ill bet you any amount of money some shit will pop off..
and with all the songs talking about ghost riding the whip and riding on 20 inch rims with gold necklessess..songs telling girls how to back it up in the clubs.......
i could go on for days with these examples but you get the picture..
people mimic that behavior cuz its acceptable to society and they do it to fit in,
and you said quote
""Brainwashing only really works if you have a group of peopleto agree with the information of the brainwash. Someone has to give in to the brainwash more willingly in order for others to follow along""end quote..
people follow and mimic all the behavior that i mentioned above thats why i said its a FORM of brainwashing..
all they do is put the same garbage in rotation till everyone starts to like it..
if they played intellectual shit that said something and rotated it it would have the same effect and honeslty i think people would eventually listen and get an actuall message and help people rather then
lets get drunk punch the dude next to you tell that bitch shes a ho back it up fuck her and leave her...ect....
all that shit does is keeps people divided and fighting amungst themselves and continues to keep the population dumb

"the loudest one in the room is the weakest"- frank lucas..
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