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Old 05-18-08, 01:13 PM   #3
Posts: 6,178

Originally Posted by Baphomet

are you kidding? the public listens to wack hip hop because majors use payola to boost plays on the radio, droning it out to millions of people..

the record labels choose to sign those sort of artists because their not overly controversial, they meet the standards for the image of what is to be considered a 'rapper' these days and they use a formula to promote them..

their money making machines, they dont need to think all that hard when they write, which in turn means they can bust out a large number of tapes, singles and LPs in a way shorter time than skilled emcees who write all their own material and actually put thought into it.. fuck the listeners, if the masses were exposed to real hip hop on a more regular basis then poppy standardised gangsta rap then this thread wouldnt exist... but the world aint perfect and thats just how it is.

straight up

i totally agree for real
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