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Old 05-20-08, 12:19 AM   #61
tha prophecy
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Posts: 56
From: Groove City, MD

first of all what you think or feel about a rapper is all personal opinion, for two immortal technique has denied many contracts from mainstream labels so he has what it takes but continues to remain underground for many different reasons, the mainstream world trys to control what you rap about in all your songs, so why would you wanna go into mainstream and not do the music you love, i dont carea bout getting rich, or gettin on tv or radio, i just want people to listen to my music and like it, and i do shows and people show up and i make jsut enough to be happy. i dont need all the fame....

yes some underground artists are just artists who cant make it in the mainstream world but some choose to remain underground, because they wanna make full profit and remain in control of what they rap about..
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