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Old 05-25-08, 06:06 PM   #17
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

Originally Posted by 2v
I'm saying that he hasn't directly left proof, no, but his believers have. Leaving no direct trace to God except that people you can easily consider Crazy have left proof.

Prophecies, visions, giving information that people should NOT have known, and science has proven some of them to be true. Does that mean that all of it can be true? Or coincidence?

I'd say coincidence, I mean how many things from the Bible that aren't vague have actually been proven?

Do you think they'll actually prove a stone cold fact that any of it was real?

I mean the Bible itself has 100's of contradictions.

People believe because it makes them feel safe, more secure of what's actually out there. It makes them feel better about dying and losing loved ones. It gives them something to hope for and something for them to use so they can keep their eyes closed from the real world.

I don't dig it man.

I'm not saying that I fully believe in evolution, I just thought that chimp article was pretty interesting.

I believe there was a creator, where we began or what we started off as, I have no clue. But I don't believe what the Bible says.
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