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Old 06-25-08, 02:13 AM   #40
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

Originally Posted by M.M.P.R.
lol @ me crying?!?!

me crying would me doing something other than pointing out that this site should fucking go down. So shush you fucking whack bitch.

N you can keep trying to front like you always do, but we both know that you just bitched out and didn't drop a that you could play some whack ass 'you were late by a few hours' bullshit ever time we talk.

N u make yourself even look more and more like a fool....'dont respond to this, blah blah blah', WHAT?? Jesus Christ. You must have NO freinds offline.

Wait a second..

You claim you're not upset about this battle and that you don't care, yet you still seem to have the desire of getting in the last word. The best part about it is that you're bitching in your post about how you don't bitch.

You can go on and say whatever you want about him dropping a weak verse knowing that your verse would get disqualified, but anybody with some intelligence would consider this a strategic move. It's an easy win and it saves him from using punches he can include in the finals now. The funny thing is that you put yourself in this situation. You had a fucking week to write a verse, it's your own fault you'd rather spend your time checking out the RV guys in the mugshot area and watching Power Rangers.

Your last point is irrelevant to the part of his post you were quoting. If I had to pick somebody out of you two to hang out with off of RV it's definately be 2v.

You're pathetic Aphilly, you prove it time and time again.
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