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Old 07-03-08, 02:27 PM   #15
Peace, Love, Unity
Posts: 5,455

Originally Posted by Tha .Q
It was gradual at first...

But, this site began to die when battling became a chore...well, the voting on battles became a chore...

Remember back a few years when you'd drop a vote on a battle, then someone could get it removed because they simply didn't like it or you?

That = the end of RV.

On top of that, people were pertinacious and refused to change. "Q is gay" jokes from 2004 were still being used, unsuccessfully, in 2007-2008.

That = DEATH to a rap site because I was one of the best rappers on this site.

The final dagger was when the lounge became more exciting than the Songs forum or the battle forums...People wanted to yap it up. Inactivity and lack of voting on battles killed this site.

That = DEATH...

The only way this site can be revived is with new management.


I'm actually enjoying the site as it is right now. VTL is getting a bigger population and people are dropping pretty hard in there, sick open mics are dropped more consistently which get feedback from respectable heads who know a thing or two about writing, and LL is filled with less bullshit threads (such as this, no offense) but not to the point where you can't joke around.

I dig it.

Edit: I forgot you said that a reason this site "died" was because you get called gay. Now, that's very kind of you to compliment yourself like that, saying you're one of the best rappers on the site, but what does that have to do with the site dying? Talented people come in and out of this forum all the time and people could care less. I'm only going to say this once, and don't take it to the heart. Get over yourself.

88 miles per hour should do it.
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